IP&T 286 Blog topic: Gospel insights on what the implications are for this new world of social networking.
"Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet" by Elder M. Russell Ballard (Ensign July 2008), he states, "With new technological tools, you can further the work of the Lord by joining the ongoing conversation about the church....the internet allows everyone to be a publisher, to have his or her voice heard, and it is revolutionizing society....Social networks on the web can be used to expand healthy friendships..." as well as make connections for job opportunities, rally people to vote on specific issues, advertise a new product or idea, exchange recipes or lesson plan ideas, share your beliefs and opinions-- the gospel in particular, and keep in touch with family and friends. There are many benefits to the internet and social networking, if it is used wisely. Like all good things, Satan has a way of twisting them to also be detremental if not used appropriately. The article goes on to talk about the benefits and cautions of using technological tools today.